PLay mas padel



  • Preferably use this app on your mobile as you will be able to invite friends through your Whatsapp quickly
  • After creating a match you click on Send Whatsapp Invitations
  • Whatsapp will open and you can select to whom you wants to send the invitations to
  • You can send 3, 4 or 5 invitations, the first 3 friends that fill in the form are playing
  • As match creator you can login to your match with your email address and match id
  • In case playing date is approaching and you still haven't 3 players, log in to your match and just send out more invitations
  • You can also place your invitation in a Whatsapp group
  • As match creator you can delete players manually in case somebody has joined but in the end he or she can not participate
  • So.... easy :
  • Book a court at your padelclub
  • Create match
  • Send invitations through Whatsapp
  • Relax and wait that players join your match
  • As soon as there are 4 players in a match, the match is closed
  • All 4 players get an email confirmation, that the match will definitely take place
  • Your email address is never visible to others
  • LET'S PLAY............
  • For your padel accessories, try

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